10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


5th. February 2023 - Rev. Michael Giles (Covenant and Communion)

12th. February 2023 - John Sackett

19th. February 2023 Richard Crane

26th. February 2023 Claire Peck



Holy Communion Service

will be led by Rev. Michael Giles on February 5th. 2023. This will be Michael's last service at West before he and Jill go on Sabbatical for three months. Methodist ministers after five years are entled to these to refresh,to reflect and to develop in their ministry. We wish Michael and Jill safe journies as they visit Singapore, New Zealand, Tonga and America.

Coffee Morning

will be held on 11th. February 2023 from 10.00am to 11.30am. This month it is in aid of The Mercy ships which provide medical aid to third world countries - all the doctors and nurses do it voluntarily. Do come along and ask your neighbours and friends too, the more the merrier and the more we can give. Last month, £70.00 was raised for theVictims Support, thank you to all who contributed. in any way.

Craft and Cuppa

will be held on Tuesdays 14th and the 28th February 2023 at 1.30pm. meeting in the community room at the St. Johns Homes, Bedford Road, Kempston. All are welcome - learn new crafts or just bring your own.

Church meeting

will be held the 18th. February 2023 at 7.30pm on zoom - details to be sent nearer the date. May I ask that you let me know if you are attending or giving apologies, thank you, Lynda.



Dear all,

Well, at last some sunshine - it makes you feel so much better doesn't it. You also, know Spring is coming, when the daffodils are out on the corner of Spring Road. It reminds us of new beginnings, new opportunities and hope for the future. That old song 'Count your blessings while you may' says it all - today is the present - a gift from God - Allelujah!

God bless, Lynda

Church survey

two years ago the stewards asked for your help with the future running of the Church. So much has changed since Covid and we would appreciate your views once again. This will be sent by e-mail and a hard copy for those without a computer. You know it is your Church and we want to make sure it is run as you wish. Thank you.

A home safety visit

through Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. You may be interested in the above service which Maureen has recently used and was very impressed by. It involves a home visit checking the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and giving advice on safety issues in case of fire in the home. This is a totally FREE service which will replace or provide smoke alarms as needed. The contact telephone no. is 01234 845000, so do contact them if you have not already done so and make your home safe.

Eco Church

Kempston West Church is part of the North Beds Eco Church. Our certificate has been awarded, when it is printed we will display it in the Church.  Thanks to those who have taken the project on board.  You will have noticed that, depending on the weather, the lights are switched off for Sunday Service.  If you have a problem seeing on a Sunday please let the Stewards know.  A couple of tips for ‘Surviving the cost of living’…. remember to turn your appliances off when not in use …adjust your thermostat on milder days …when you are sitting put your feet up if you can as it’s coldest nearest the ground.  Take care, Jean


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Our Minister is always willing to talk to anyone on matters of concern.


Revd. Michael Giles

Minister's Phone Number+44 1234 930882

Church Address